Tuesday, June 29, 2010


insomniac Pictures, Images and Photos

again.. another sleepless night...
urghh.. this time.. my body is being silly...
i slept at 11.30.. then, the next 4hours... i woke up automatically...

im not evn sure why i woke up..
i was in a middle of a pleasant pasta dream
(swimming in cabonara sauce,, hehehe)

i already took 2 attempts to sleep again...
i end up being more wide awake..
this is ridiculous!!

so, i googled some insomniac tips of better slumber...
turns out... counting countless sheeps (and cats) doesnt help certain people..
so does warm milk...

hope what ever im doing is right...
im not going to sleep n go out today..
n when i come home.. i'll be so tired! n SLEEP!!!

or maybe i just go to the doctor
(evn tho i know sleeping pills wont help much)...
serve me right of sleeping late evrynight before this..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Eka's Birthday

Who's Birthday is it??
Eka!!! yeah!!

celebrate.. celebrate....
sort of a surprise bday party..


>>Dinner (?) at Gardens
>>Window shopping
>>Slurping slurp at Delicious
>>then, i go home la before kena slaughter by my mom..
*haha.. typical*

*sweet makcik at 22 with her Kimora Cake*

who was there?

there was Shikz...

and nia, n ika's 2 brothers, Lokman, ika's bro GF(nina), HafiZ

and last but nvr evr evr evr the least... Safia...

so like..
i was the only one who dont hv any improvement,
Fashion wise..
just dangling and plain jane all the way...

but hye..
they're happy with me as i am happy with myself..
and that definitely counts kn??

but, after a long time since i;v met them..
they sure changed alot...
and they look good..
i felt so small (since they were wearing heels.. 5inches tall)
haish... but im happy... n they're fine with it...
man.. these kind of frens are the BEST!! ;)

xpe... im with you Nia!!
kite kn COOL type...

i miss you guys!!
who's eka?

>> she's my ex-schoolmate
>> she's the sweetest cheerleader captain
>> i always look up to her as an icon (really)
>> she's hot yet nutsy
>> she's a good friend.. ;)
>> she's also vain... very.... very... vain...

p.s: if ur stalking this, ika... leave ur mark... ika kn comel... hehhehe... *i know u'r stalking... heheh*

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A message from HaziQ

well... the truth spoken... none of us did good last semester.. but.. there's one friend of ours still believe in our abilities to achieve... and this is what he wrote in Facebook..


DErrr...sem depan belajo la
betul2 deerr....buktikan kat owng yang tak caya kita leh bejaye....kita leh jadi terbaik kalu kita fikir "bukan senang untuk jadi senang"......jadikan ape yang dah jadi tu sebagai pedoman & penaik azam.....buktikan kat owng... See More sekeliling yang tanggapan diorang terhadap budak2 seni tu salah....jangan calarkan maruah kita budak seni.sebab budak seni atau owng seni merupakan owng yang mencipta sesuatu perkara diluar jangkauan minda berbanding owng biasa.....jangan kerana kita gagal dalam sesuatu perkara hanya kerana kita tak mencuba sebaik2nya...tapi biarlah kita gagal kerana kita mencuba & buat sesuatu perkara tu dgan bersungguh2.....sebabnye bila kita buat macam tu, atlease kita cuba buat sesuatu dangan bersungguh2.....tuhan takkan mengubah nasib seseorang selagi mana owng tu tak berusaha mengubah nasib dia sendiri.....INGAT BALIK APE IMPIAN KOWNG...APE ANGAN2 WAKTU KECIK KOWNG....SEMUA TU MUNGKIN BOLEH JADI KENYATAAN SEKIRANYA KOWNG BERUSAHA DGN BERSUNGGUH2.....bukanlah maksud aku nak kata yang aku ni hebat sangat tapi perkara yang aku cakap tu ditujukan untuk pedoman dan penaik semangat bagi semua....
ingat!!!.....tuhan sentiasa bagi kita peluang....tapi kita je yang selalu mensia2kan peluang tu.....lepas nie gunakan peluang tu sebaik2nya...KOWNG SEBENARNYA POWER TAU>.....diowng pilih kowng masuk uitm bukan sebarangan....

tengok nie....

FARED-....pelakon dan
pengarah berkebolehan....aku tau ko banyak gi program teater...

DENIAL UZAIR-...pelakon dan penganalisis filem.....aku t
au ko ade bakat berlakon n aku respect cara ko menganalisis filem......

HANAN-....ko power
anan....aku dapat rasakan ko leh jadi seowng pemimpin satu ari nanti sebab banyak perkara yang ko cakap membuka minda....oleh tu aku sangat respect ko dalam perkara tu....

AYIE-....ko sebenarnya leh jadi
pengarah filem n pakar dalam pengurusan IT.....ape yang ko nampak kadang2 aku tak nampak....tu pasal ko power....

MASTER.....Berkebolehan dalam mengabungkan warna-warna yang sedap mata nak tengok.....ko rajin DErrr.....sebenarnya aku nampak ko ade potensi untuk lebih maju dari owng lain....cuma ko kene berusaha lebih lagi....jgan cepat putus asa.....

ANIMATION MASTER....haaa.....ni sowng agi aku respect sejak dari KYM.....ko power DERrr....lukisan tiptop....5 bintang.....animation tiptop......5 bintang.....jangan sia2kan tu suma....cuma satu je aku nampak kurang kat ko.....ko kurang sabar dalam sesuatu perkara.....klu ko sabar....aku berani kerat jari ar ko leh gi jauh....

ko power derr.....gua mate mod pon hampir2 kantoi....pe2 pun ko sebenarnya bukan tak power....cuma ko tak didedahkan agi ngan animasi secara terperinci.....mungkin disebabkan tu ko agak terkebelakang sedikit....tkpe....susah2 dulu senang2 kemudian.....benda yang rumit cam ADD _mate pon ko leh wat takkan animasi yang hanya perlukan ko melukis ngan sedikit kesabaran pun ko tak pat wat toi tak???ni aku nak gi tau ko...aku ade member bawah lagi dari ko...dia dak terengganu dok belajar kat KYM....aku memang respect gile2 kat dia...walaupn lukisan dia tak power tapi dia rajin ngan ade semangat nak wat betul2...tengok skg....dah jadi owng LUKIS BACKGROUND.....bayangkan dia daripada tak tau lukis skg jadi BACKGROUND ARTIST...ape cer???

SYAKIR-3Dimencial mASter
MIND.....der....gua respect gile semangat ko wat animation 3d....tak ksah la power kerk tak...janji ko dah tunjukkan yang ko mampu buat animasi 3d walaupun ko masih ade mata pelajaran lain yang ko kene catchup.....by then....i give u 5 star respect.....hail syakir.....

NADIA- ADVERT MASTER...eloo kawan....gua tau lu teror of
terroriest dlm AD....(bukan anugerah dekan)jadi cuba tonjolkan semangat AD ko tu....mana peginya nadia yang dulu....jangn kerana hanya disebabkan beberapa manusia lain ko jadi kurang semangat.....c'omn girl.....u can do better than that....i know u can.....SHOW ME YOUR GIRLS POWER......

sis....I ALSO WANT U TO SHOW ME UR GIRLS POWER next sem....nway......lu punya manga cartoon style power......boley bikin comic.....ni cakap ikhls dar hati selepas tengok lukisan ko waktu kelas en azhar...

CUK-...PAINTING MASTER.....sis....bila aku dengar ko ade wat lukisan style
artist terkenal tu wa jadi merenang derr.....ko hebat buat painting n drawing cute little cartoon....so....sama cam bdk pumpan lain gak....SHOW ME UR GIRLS POWER BY NEXT SEM.....DO IT OR YOU WILL REGRET IT....

ATENG-...PAINTING MASTER....ateng....aku da tengok ko nya aartwork kat fb
nie....ko ade bakat dalam painting..selalunya owng yang hebat dlm painting dia adalah owng yang penyabar......so sem depan tunjukkan bakat ko tu sebaik2 nye dalam segala perkara...SHOW ME UR GIRLS POWER....klu mau SUPER POWER, minum la kacek patimah....ok...huhhuhuhu.

ZALIKA....sebenarnya aku tak berapa kenal ko lagi sebab tu aku tak dapat bagi penjelasan
detail....tapi ape2 pun yang aku perasan ko ni seorang yang rajin dalam buat sesuatu perkara cuma ko jadi tak rajin disebabkan ko tak mahir dalam perkara tu....jadi, mulai sem depan ko kene kuatkan semangat....lawan bdak2 yang lain..buktikan kat budak2 lain yang ko pun mampu bersaing....sebenarnya cita ko ni macam citer member aku dari terengganu yang aku citer tadi.....jadi, kuatkan semangat, buat yang terbaik next sem.....

walau apepun terjadi.....kita kena ingat.....kita hanya
mampu berusaha,tapi tuhan yang tentukan.....walau bagaimanapun,andai kita tak berusaha,kita lah serugi2 manusia sebab kita dibekalkan akal untuk berfikir mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk tetapi kita tak gunakn nya sebaik mungkin....akhir kata,aku nak mintak maaf kalu ade terkasar bahasa atau tersalah kata....aku sedar aku sapa.....cuma apa yang aku nak gariskan kat sini ialah kita sesama kawan perlu saling sedar dan menyedarkan antara satu sama lain baru leh maju sama2...mcm aku cakap tadi....ape yang aku cakap ni bukan untuk peringatan kowng je tapi untuk peringatan aku jugak....aku pun manusia tak leh lari dari kesilapan....so, last but not lease,chayok2...c u next sem....
*prof. madya HaziQ has spoken*

thank you HaziQ... u'r our Hero... we love you... teehee.. ;)

p.s: i nvr seen anyone like this... he really put deep thoughts in evryone... awww...

Friday, June 25, 2010


few weeks ago,
my sisters, my bro n myself,
went shooting as a example actors
for my dad's new TV show...

*check us out..*

laugh of you must... ahaxx.. ;p

Monday, June 21, 2010


i thought
maybe if i lie to myself,
i might believe my own lies.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Superhero's Day

Dearest Ayah,

Thank you for giving me the chance to view the world in different perspectives.

Thank you for letting me taste the bittersweet flavours of existence.

Thank you for showing me the way to the great mountains of life.

Thank you for the stories you told me that taught me so much.

Thank you for lighting up my candle when it was blown out.

Thank you for reaching out when darkness surrounded me.

Thank you for letting me soar the skies of heaven.

Thank you for giving me the chance to live my life.

Thank you for your love.

Thank you.

happy fathers day Pictures, Images and Photos

i LOVE you daddy... ;))

You are forever mine

with Love


Ice Cream Day

Just when i need a friend, she appeared..

she came and sleep over at my place and we had a blast till the wee hours of the morning.

we chatted.we gossiped.we cursed.we laughed
we did all the things girls wanna do

then, we went for a stroll in One Utama (yeah, the usual lahh)

*nadia had her 1st Shinlin Tempura seafood snack*

this is what we call, the Nadia Hanie Syndrome.
Its the type of syndrome where you will add 3times more of pearl bubbles and Jello in ur usual Bubble Tea drink. Taadaa!!!

our Nadia Hanie Syndrome Jasmine Bubble tea
alil bit of sweet, alil bit of bitter, alil bit of life

then, we drop by a CD store to test some melodies...

nadia's checking out some sweet acoustic music

im listening to Charice Pempengo.... good singer...

then, some karaoke to let the sorrow soul out!!

then, drop by the MPH book store to check out some comics.
Nadia love snooping the Marvel site... haishh...

and thanks Nadia for the beautiful scarf you bought for me...
Forever 21 y'all!!

p.s: surely you'r wondering where's the ice cream part, right? teehee... too much fun, we forgot the ice cream... ;pp

Thursday, June 17, 2010

All About You

its true..
i still want you,
despite all the SH*T u did...

its true..
i still love you,
despite all the lies u told..

its true..
i still miss you,
despite all the crashes u made..

who said im desperate?
dont they know the difference between love and desperation?
too bad..
becoz this is NOT desperation...
this is fighting for my rights to love again.
salah kah?

im trying so hard to forget the pain.
im trying so hard to overcome all of this.
im trying so hard to stay strong...
im still trying...
so hard....

but evrything reminds me of you

the sun, the crows, the sleep, the time, the pharmacy, Mid Valley Mall, Art exhibitions, Photoshops, the webcam, my phone, ur manikin, ur silly doodles in my sketchbook, satay, kerang bamboo, and on and on and on and on....

how can i not be hurt when

evrything i do is you?
evrything i see is you?
evrything i feel is you?

p.s: Virgo ek... yappari... wakatta...

Friday, June 11, 2010

one-winged isnt that bad?? rite, sephiroth??

One Winged Angel Pictures, Images and Photos

Interview With Sephiroth

Hye, Mr. Sephiroth. Thank you for coming for this interview although ur busy taking over the world.

Ur welcome. Im a pretty busy man, make it Quick.

Ok. First Question, what is it like to be a one-winged angel at first?

Well, its kind of bad. The other angels have 2 wings, so when i was a kid, i was teased alot. Very bad times. so i killed all of them..

That was when u'v grown up?

Nope. Within that time itself. i was a very bad tempered boy.. and i love my mother.

Ok...... *gulp* errie... how did you lose your other wing?

i was playing with a girl angel when i was 3 and i got hit by a cow and it trampled my wing off completely.

What's the girl got to do with it?

I was trying to get her trampled....


Ok... ehehhee... next Question... how are you doing now? good?

well.. im really good at killing n slaying n psyching others, but my flying.. i can only float and glide... sucks... u wanna see my killing skills?

That's ok Sephiroth. Im good. Thank you for joining us today. Bye.

Aww.. ok.. thanks for calling me..

there you have it... one-winged isnt that bad... ;))

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

i wanna be Heartless

Heartless Icon Pictures, Images and Photos

i wish
im lost in kingdom hearts game,
so my heart will be absorb and be a heartless,
and cant feel anything.

better this way...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nina oh Nina

This is Nina...
she's so cute, she gotta be edible!!
check her out!!
newer addiction..
introduced by Nadiah Mansor on FB

Mak Turut

 Everybody knows. My father was one of the greatest filmmakers in the industry in Malaysia. (not bragging) I only got to witness him in star...