Tuesday, December 20, 2016


My 2 favourite thing to watch is forbidden now by hubster (because of pregnancy)...

Horror movies and pimple popping videos.

what is my life now?



Say I'm selfish and cruel,
Say I'm being disrespectful and ignorant...

Tapi, saya cukup tak suka pujuk orang yang merajuk or sentap tak tentu pasal.

I'm likely unsociable, I really seldom call people just to say hi. It's my semi-introvert attitude, and people closest to me should understand. But, as far as i know, if you want me to entertain you (if you miss me or just feeling lonely), I am more than happy to oblige, because I care.

What pisses me off is when you're just blaming me for not caring. You know what? I'm not a mind reader. We don't have that telepathic communication skill where i can feel that u need me.

You saying that i forget you, or that I never call, why don't you make the effort to call instead of waiting around? Tak susah, kan? But, no. You just have to indulge in your ego, that I have to call you first because I should know that you need me.

It's nice to know that you thought of me at times. I think of you guys, too. Tapi, aduhai.. apa lah salah nya, kamu call saya je? Tak salah apa aihh.. Tak payah la nak sentap merajuk, tak mengaku kawan/famili bagai. It's different if you call me all the time, but I never return call. I didn't call you, and you didn't call me, but I'm the bad one? No fair, ok?

p.s: siapa sentap, just so you know, I sentap too ok... 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Baby Oh~

Yeah yeah.

Been 3 months preggy now...
Just making sure the baby's alright before I announce anything.

So yay us... :)

I found out when we went to Penang for a week holiday with my in-laws when I felt different, moody and uncomfortable. I didn't suspect anything at 1st, but my boobs just started to swell up (as per usual happens whenever I'm getting my period.) Odd thing is, my period was almost a month late, but I just ignore it because my period is sometimes irregular at random months.

ALSO, I get sleepy and tired easily. I slept long hours and often, I felt embarrassed with my in-laws.

Back from Penang, I thought that I should at least try to do the pregnancy test (though I was a bit skeptical since I tried twice before and came out negative.) So, I woke up in the morning and did the test. Being dilly dally, my jaw dropped as the test came out POSITIVE! OMG!!

I showed it to hubster, and he was somewhat excited (yet a little skeptical, but don't blame him, I wasn't so sure as well.). A few days later, we found time to visit the doctor and did a thorough scan. It was the oddest and magical thing. I saw the little peanut. I was POSITIVELY PREGNANT!

(Our 1st scan. 5 weeks)
(my dad stole this picture) (not his fault though)

I did a surprise to my dad and the rest of my siblings on my dad's birthday party. Everybody was overreacting (my sisters cried so bad). They were thrilled with the news.

I also told a few of my good friends the news, especially the mommies. They sent a lot of mommy tips and tricks. Thank goodness for them.

(8 weeks and saw his heart beating)
(Ibu and Ayah are here for you, baby)

Got to admit, it's weird calling ourselves Ibu and Ayah. We still haven't finish adulting yet!!
(I know we're freaking 28, shut up)

(And is where I almost cried)
(12 weeks and going strong)

During the 12 week scan, hubster can't find a parking spot, so I went to the clinic myself. I felt sad for my husband, he missed seeing his baby looking almost human like already. It developed those tiny fingers and toes. It was kicking and floating, all in my womb. It was magical and weird and awesome and scary (but a good type of scary).

Alhamdulillah, I'm glad we got pregnant. Pray for a joyful and blissful pregnancy and may we produce a beautiful offspring. 

p.s: can't wait for the gender!

Coconut Oil

Cayang, help me apply coconut oil on my belly.

Tak nak.. tak suka bau dia..

But I don't want stretch marks on it!

Hubby applies oil on belly unwillingly.

Ni bukan habis 1st trimester ni.. Ni dah 6 semester ni..

* * *

Thanks for the unwanted remarks, Cayang. >.>

p.s: yes, I'm pregnant. :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Taufik Hidayat & Puteri Nurul Wedding

It has been a year plus since the wedding, and I finally manage to finish it.
My procrastinating illness is severe.

well, at least it's done now, Alhamdulillah.. :)

Take My Hand (The Wedding Song)
by Emily Hackett ft. Will Anderson

Friday, June 17, 2016


Just had the most polite grabcar driver ever! 

- He invited me to sit at the back (as a passenger) (but i sat infront anyway)

-ultimately soft spoken 

- He said, "omg, you're so polite!" Ok..

- He asked if I was well, coz i was snivelling a little.

- He literally said, "Oh, please take care of yourself."

- He told me to take medications.

- He drove like, fricking slow on a highway!!

- Kept smiling, all the way!

- He started his sentences with "I'm sorry", "thank you", or "oh my god"

- He asked if i was going to work. i said yea. Then, he made this genuinely worried face and said, "Oh my god, please take care of yourself" like I'm going to see a crazy ex boyfriend.

So cute. 😂😂

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Syukur Alhamdulillah

"Perempuan tak reti masak, tak boleh buat bini!"
Syukur jodoh kamu pandai masak.

"Perempuan bangun lambat? Takmo aku kahwin perempuan gitu!"
Syukur jodoh kamu hari-hari bangun awal.

"Eee.. mencarut! Susah kahwin kang!"
Syukur jodoh kamu berbudi bahasa.

"Belajar tinggi-tinggi, last-last jadi duduk dapur gak!"
Syukur jodoh kamu nak jadi surirumah.


Tapi ingatlah kaum Adam.

Nobody's perfect.

Layakkah kamu nak hukum orang begitu? Sedangkan:-

Masih perlu isteri bekerja demi tampung family

Masih solat tak cukup 5 waktu

Masih 'cuci mata' sana sini


Kaji molek-molek.

Suami yang wajib
sediakan rumah buat isteri (maintanence). agama dia sempurna.
sediakan makan minum (masak and hidang). bagi nafkah kepada isteri.

Tapi manusia tak perfect.
Kamu tidak PERFECT.

If we can accept you, flaws and all, why must you judge us?
What goes around comes around.

give and take. Bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.
Insya Allah,

p.s: naik menyampah dengan mentaliti sesetengah orang. jelak.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Choco and Durian..

Hubby's logic: 

Wife is crying, complaining about her life,

Best solution?

Chocolate ice cream..



need i say more, why I love this man?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Things happened

A lot of things happened and I don't feel the need to document my life stories anymore. At least, not at the moment. I simmered down abit. To tell you the truth, it got a little boring right now.
and no...

I'm not talking about my marriage.. duh... That has been super! and private.. hehehe..

I'm talking about my daily life now, with work, chores, family and friends. Things has been a routine to me lately. Been eager for the weekend from week to week, and friends, let's just say, we, they, us, had our own lives now. Some of us catch up on each other, but seldom. Even we, my husband and I, sometimes, don't feel like going out anymore.

I'm abit bored with life now. I even cried to my husband that I wanted to quit my job, cause it's stressing me out, but he needed my support still. I was being selfish. I'm not the type to stay in one job for a long period of time. This is the LONGEST job I've been into. 

I was thinking of going into business. Been taking advices from my friends, and am very excited for it, but, with my job now, I can't find the right time and mind for it. This has been going on for months. But I have yet to give up. Pinterest been a great help to me, too. (wink wink)

Well, enough sad stories. My life isn't that pathetic.

My 3 boys are almost 2 years old now. Everyone who came visit us kept saying they're bigger that regular cats, and by bigger, they mean, FATTER! Hahaha!! Now I'm training them for routine diet, no more free flow kibbles anymore. My bad. But, they look so cute when they're laying around, flat on their backs, exposing their fleshy tummies. It warms my stressful days, everyday.

Also, last month was our FIRST WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Was so excited for months! But, I was sent out by my job that very week. I missed it. :(      But I celebrated it still. Made exclusive dinner (was only meatball bolognese but fancy af) with sparkling juice, watch TV...... and stuff.. That was a nice evening.

Then,... OH!

My baby sister got engaged! Oh yes.. Iqin got engaged. So happy for her. She was pretty in peach, smiling, being nervous and stuff. Ah, I remembered my days.. so naive and sweet.

While she was going around being congratulated at, I, on the other hand, just got chopped, stir fried and served. All the gushes of questions. You know that question... Baby this, baby that... I had to explain over and over again, we're planning after a year of marriage, but since everybody knew it has already been a year, they kicked me out of the event (in the cutest way lahh), tell me to go home and do some 'homework'.. even told me techniques and bazingas. I don't really mind them, but come on la aunty.. not at a gathering... not at my sister's engagement party, of all events! GOLLY!

Been wanting to blog from time to time, but every time I sat down and open the laptop, I don't feel like typing anymore. Probably, all i could think of is my job,  now that it reminds me every time I on a computer. I appreciate my surroundings more, spending time with my hubby, cooking, snuggling time with my boys, extra sleepy time.

Yeah, it's gonna be awhile now... Gotta cook!!

p.s: Malas nk letak gambar.. just go to my insta...

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Haven't been home for 4 days.. Came home to a messy house. I knew my hubby did his best. Instead of pissing off, i cleaned the house happily.

Coz, at that moment, I realized...,

He can't live without me!! Hahahahah!!! 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Rainy Eyes

I just hate it that every time it rains, my body feels the need to take naps.
Like automatically.

Especially when it's day time, in the office.
I would feel annoyingly sleepy, and I can't win!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Home Sweet Home

At last, we shifted home to our own place.
A place to call ours. 

Well, technically we rented, but, a place just you and I (with our 3 cats).
Lovely kan?

Very tiring and spent so much on furnitures and new items. but we managed. 

Home Sweet Home, baby.. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Nestum? Nasty!!

Sorry guys,

There isn't anything wrong with Nestum. It's just that, I hate it so much, I can gag just thinking about it.

Although, there are times when I crave for it. But most of the time? NOPE!

You see, when I was alot, lot, lot younger, my dad and I was almost skin and bones. Too small and skinny. My then step mom thought we looked horrid and unwell, so she managed a meal schedule for us. We had full course meals everyday, including the dreaded supper time. 

Let me enhance, that time, i was so skinny, I didn't eat much (as today's gluttony self). Every extra spoonful was a torture.

Back to supper, my mom would fix us both Nestum, every night before bedtime, and I weren't allowed to go to bed until i finish every spoonful! I had it worst when my then stepmom thought i ate too slow, she fed me herself. She'd force me to swallow every bite, up to the point when i had enough, that I'd gag. But the more i gag, the more i was fed. There was no escape!! It was like that every night until my body starts to look healthy again.

But, up to this day, I can't look at Nestum without thinking of it being shoved in my throat. The nightmare...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

short shorty sighted

My eye sight is getting worse by the year! Siapa anak Aziz ni, memang sejarah rabun kuat! Adik beradik sume berderet pakai glasses. Tunggu yg bongsu je. Most likely because of our addiction or life dedication to electronic screens. But then again, 4 out of 5 of my dad siblings, they all wore glasses.

I hate glasses, such a burden to my nose and so much sight limitations, not to mention the goofy look i got when i wore them with my hijab. urgh!! But i can't get used to contact lenses either. They made my eyes tired and dry, annoys me to my brain. Besides, it's an easier option to wear glasses instead of contacts.

I remembered, my eye sight was bad that i can't read signboards. Now, i can't even see the book right in front of me! It's increased so bad, I'm totally annoyed, I feel like doing lasik surgery. Ni baru naik power jadi 2. The rest of my siblings got their powers up to 7 or 8! I don't know how are they not annoyed. 

I just hope my future children would get their father's perfect eye sight. And eyes. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

the little things

"awak sapu bilik ke tadi? thank you, yang."

"bilik kemas semacam arini? thank you."

"oh! cuci toilet? rajin awak. Thank you, yayang."

"thank you for not cutting your hair short."
(he likes my hair long. i like mine short.)

"sedap awak masak. thank you."
(hakikatnya, termasin sana sini)

"thank you teman saya arini."

thank you for noticing, cayang.

Monday, January 11, 2016

30 Day Challenge (Day 15)

Day 15: In 5 Years

I see myself
with stained hijab, crumpled shirt and jeans, 
carrying a toddler, who's nose of his/her father and eyes like his/her mother.

I see myself
laughing as this toddler waddled his/her way towards my husband,
as he kept cheering for him at a distance.
"tateh tateh"

I see myself
on a rocking chair at home, feeding this child,
while my husband watches his tv show while holding my hand.

I see myself
waking up from wet kisses and laughters from my 2 favourite people,
demanding for breakfast.

I see myself
loved and complete.

I see myself 
with you and our child.
My family.

30 Day Challenge (Day 14)

Day 14: 3 Healthy Habits

Well, not very healthy but yeah, ok?

I go to the gym now.
Making it a routine.
(no, not my new year resolution)
(i signed up way before new year)
(i have my reasons)
(my husband called me fat)

I have a meal routine now.
(though, I kinda messed up on the weekends)
(coz, I'm don't leisurely wake up in the morning)

I practice smiling alot.
(makes me feel wonderful)
(and a whole lot younger)
(best therapy ever)

30 Day Challenge (Day 13)

Day 13: Inside My Fridge

A mess.
That's what inside it.

New Eating Habits (hopefully lasts)

Quaker Oat with fruits.
And herbal tea.

Rice (half portion) with fish/chicken/egg and vege
or anything else (pasta or anything lah)

Occasionally fruits
But most of the time nothing at all.
With herbal tea.

Bihun noodle soup or just soup.

Every day the same, with constant nagging from abang eno.
urgh!! naik jelak dah.

i miss KFC and Nasi Lemak.
i really do.

What a bloke

Yesterday, as my husband and I were driving out to my office, there's this one douche got angry at us in the trafic. He accused my husband playing with his phone and let the car go backward, which is very odd.

My husband apologised and just went off our merry way. It's not like we hit him or anything, i presumed. But my husband said that he may had hit him alil, but more like a touch or a bob. 

To my observation later on, he was following us so very close at the back. I could recognise his purple car. I ask my husband if he was tailing us. Turns out, he was very close to begin with (which probably cause of the bump). And if he's really following us, just to ignore him.

He was really following us! I got scared and annoyed, and until a certain junction, he drove past us, showing us his (unclear) middle finger, and made a U-turn. Well, that went well. I guess he did want to argue, but didn't have the guts to stop us. What a weirdo.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Only a wife can let her man fart while she's kissing him...

Just, don't push it... 

I love you, cayang... 💏

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Gym Farts

Went to the gym.
Forgot my gym shoe. 

Wanted to go home.
Didn't bring enough cash. 

Sitting idle at the gym.
With flip flops.

Damn it Puteri... Damn it... 

P.s: well, can always use the sauna now.. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


In a conversation and your brain left you hanging?

Happens all the time, especially when it doesn't really caught my interest (but usually pretends to).

Every time! When somebody was talking to me so interestedly about their stuff, surely I'll pay attention, but then, at one point, no matter if the subject was interesting or not, my mind will seem to go wandering off somewhere.. no.. more like NOWHERE.

It's not like those usual brain occupied or was thinking about something random. No. It literally went to space. Blank. Empty. It's like i skipped time and went forward a few minutes. Then felt ultimately guilty about not 'paying attention'. This feels extra weird when that somebody asks me a question about it. But then, DATA NOT FOUND. Shit. What was the question? What were we talking about? Where did I left off?

Oh, dang it Put, you time travelled again, didn't you??

oh. brain farted again.

First Date

To be honest,

My husband and I known each other for so long...

I don't even know when or which was our 1st date?

Oh well, doesn't matter, got married.

Mak Turut

 Everybody knows. My father was one of the greatest filmmakers in the industry in Malaysia. (not bragging) I only got to witness him in star...