Monday, August 13, 2012

impatient much

others responses towards ones relationship

as friends
so, when you two are going to hook up?

as couple?
when's the wedding?

as married couple
when are you two going to have kids?

after one kid
when are you going to have another?

after long time
what? you two are still together??
(this one, only some dodos will say)

p.s: chill grandmas of all kind... hvnt you heard anything called adapting? going slow might just be a good idea... >.>
p.s.s: also, there's this thing called, planning... >.> 
p.s.s.s: Quit rushing people... adoii!! >.>

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


ma daddeh saed tat ma inglish es bed..

weel, i saed...

well actually, 
some of my english on type are typos...
some are purposed puns...
i seldom misspell (coz there's autocorrect)
some are becoz its in short terms (acronyms of whertever kind)

but at times,
i just dont give a sh*t

and the reason of me writing mostly in english,
mainly because, i hv penpals and 
i would like to keep them updated in a language they'd understand

i mean,
how would you feel when u hv a penpal,
and said, "hey, check me out on my FB, Twitter, Blog!"
and evrything is written "$%*%^)%%!#%$#@+"

its just my way of saying
"i love to be your friend, 
and i want you to be updated with what's going on with me.. :)"

p.s: besides, even if my english is bad, its not wrong for me to practice right?

Mak Turut

 Everybody knows. My father was one of the greatest filmmakers in the industry in Malaysia. (not bragging) I only got to witness him in star...