Tuesday, January 1, 2013


so.. another year has passed, give way to the new... ;p

not really sure with 2012.. but lets make 2013 new and awesome...
this year, my studies will end, and reality of life will begin...
jobs and resumes... bla bla bla...

just lemme submit my thesis and FYP 1st...

this new year celebration,
celebrated with darling man Topet, big bro Eno and Paraman and his girl, Shak..
awesome view of the fireworks at The Curve...
great party, but we maintained it mildly...
roam around KL abit... and back home...
simple yet awesome... ;)

well... most of my resolutions in the past years never really made to reality...
but since im graduating (In Syaa Allah), i must insist of taking my driving license..
i want to drive DARLING IBUNDA from sgpore, to my graduation ceremony...

also, must make plans to tone down le body...
since we 'ehemm'... planned it around NEXT YEAR!!

and also, i plan to take a backpacking vacation to Netherlands or NZ...
somewhere new.. and calming.. :)

may or may not be fulfill... but worth mentioning and trying.. amin... :)

p.s: happy new year to all.. and remember, i love you too, random citizen... (BUBBLE SPRAY!!!)

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Mak Turut

 Everybody knows. My father was one of the greatest filmmakers in the industry in Malaysia. (not bragging) I only got to witness him in star...