Friday, September 18, 2020

Wild One (1)

Here is one of few stories about my stranger danger experience, before I start diving into my current life long relationship with my hubby. In short, I was young, single, and very stupid, apparently.


It was a hot day during one of my diploma semester breaks. I was home alone, bored, and lazy to hang out with friends, so I decided to hit the pool.

It was noon, so the pool was basically empty. I love it when I have the whole pool to myself. Swam a few laps, and just sat down at a shallow and shaded part of the pool by myself.

I was just minding my business, bubbling and sinking half of my face underwater when I noticed a guy was swimming towards me. I didn't even realize when he got in. He asked if I was ok and I said yeah. He then laughed saying that he thought that I wanted to commit suicide in the pool and he didn't want the pool to be haunted (realizing that this is a VERY cheesy pickup line now).

We talked a little in the pool, and I thought he's very cute and has a great personality. He told me which unit he's living, and told me we should hang out. As great as that sound, of course, I declined. I mean, stranger danger, right? Haha!

We bumped into each other a few times more, chatted a little, had casual hangout by the pool sometimes, in a course of a few months. It was nothing serious, but I liked his company. One day, he invited me to hang at his place as he's having company over at his house and would love for me to come, as a neighbor. So, I was like, yeah ok. I thought it's safe if he's having friends around. He did invited me over a few other times before this. 

So, I went to his house, but odd thing is, there wasn't any shoes outside, no noise or an open door (anything that would indicate he has guest over). Eventhough, these are clear signs that I should not go in yet, I still went ahead and rang the doorbell, because, maybe I was just early.

He invited me in, and there was only him inside. I sat down nervously (and lowkey regretting, but I know he's a nice guy, so I try to chill) and offered a boxed drink (so, no worries about getting spiked drinks). There was a hint of a woman's touch in the decor, so I asked if he's living with somebody else. He then (AND ONLY THEN) told me about his girlfriend, who's JUST HAPPENED to be at Borneo for work. Great! Cute guy, taken and inviting another girl home with him. Or maybe he didn't take me as a woman at all, just a kid neighbour (I was 19 or 20 at that time). Whatever. I also asked if anybody else is coming, and he said no. I didn't ask anything else, I got scared. He asked if I wanted to watch a movie, so I just said sure. And of course, of ALL the movie CDs (it was the late 2000s, of course la CDs!), he went ahead and picked Good Luck Chuck. Yes. A soft porn-ish movie. Look it up!

I was already so weirded up. Why is this happening to me?? I seriously don't remember anything after that other than we sat wide apart from each other during the movie, we chatted a lil (don't remember what about), and I went home.

I came back home, swore my sister into secrecy, and told her what just happened to me. Being a sister, she was mad that I got away with that, while she's being hounded by our parent just by hanging out with boy in broad daylight (coz she's rebellious like that). I was just so grateful that I'm alive, wasn't harmed or raped and still a 'good' girl.

We bumped into each other a few other times after that, even met his girlfriend (and she was hawtt!!). After a few months, I realized I haven't seen him around anymore, so I figured that maybe he moved,  and that's that.

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