Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Baby Oh~

Yeah yeah.

Been 3 months preggy now...
Just making sure the baby's alright before I announce anything.

So yay us... :)

I found out when we went to Penang for a week holiday with my in-laws when I felt different, moody and uncomfortable. I didn't suspect anything at 1st, but my boobs just started to swell up (as per usual happens whenever I'm getting my period.) Odd thing is, my period was almost a month late, but I just ignore it because my period is sometimes irregular at random months.

ALSO, I get sleepy and tired easily. I slept long hours and often, I felt embarrassed with my in-laws.

Back from Penang, I thought that I should at least try to do the pregnancy test (though I was a bit skeptical since I tried twice before and came out negative.) So, I woke up in the morning and did the test. Being dilly dally, my jaw dropped as the test came out POSITIVE! OMG!!

I showed it to hubster, and he was somewhat excited (yet a little skeptical, but don't blame him, I wasn't so sure as well.). A few days later, we found time to visit the doctor and did a thorough scan. It was the oddest and magical thing. I saw the little peanut. I was POSITIVELY PREGNANT!

(Our 1st scan. 5 weeks)
(my dad stole this picture) (not his fault though)

I did a surprise to my dad and the rest of my siblings on my dad's birthday party. Everybody was overreacting (my sisters cried so bad). They were thrilled with the news.

I also told a few of my good friends the news, especially the mommies. They sent a lot of mommy tips and tricks. Thank goodness for them.

(8 weeks and saw his heart beating)
(Ibu and Ayah are here for you, baby)

Got to admit, it's weird calling ourselves Ibu and Ayah. We still haven't finish adulting yet!!
(I know we're freaking 28, shut up)

(And is where I almost cried)
(12 weeks and going strong)

During the 12 week scan, hubster can't find a parking spot, so I went to the clinic myself. I felt sad for my husband, he missed seeing his baby looking almost human like already. It developed those tiny fingers and toes. It was kicking and floating, all in my womb. It was magical and weird and awesome and scary (but a good type of scary).

Alhamdulillah, I'm glad we got pregnant. Pray for a joyful and blissful pregnancy and may we produce a beautiful offspring. 

p.s: can't wait for the gender!

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