Thursday, July 9, 2015

30 Day Challenge (day 1)

Day 1: My Blog Name

The Heart Has Lips

Made this up when I was in university. I was at the peak of my teen years before heading to adulthood, so a lot had been going on for me. People assumed that I'm simple minded, but surprisingly, even to myself, I can't keep some emotions go under. But despite everything, I avoid being complicated at all cost (malas layan drama). So, I'm prone to keep things to myself.

By the day I created this particular blog, I thought, this might be the perfect opportunity for me to express, or better, to motivate myself. So, if this blog is the place for me to pour my heart out, this blog will be the lips of it. 

This blogs contains most of my childish brags and rants. Random bits of me and things i kept hidden inside. I made it public, to feel free from oppression and depression. Its not for show, but for memories, as i would go through it, throughout the years, and give myself a pat at the back.

p.s: got bored.. so this 30 days challenge it is.. duhh~

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Mak Turut

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